What Makes Chiropractic Care Different?

Chiropractic care is considered to be a complementary and alternative medicine, making it very different from many medical techniques that involve using drugs and surgery to improve their patients’ health. The history of chiropractic dates back to around 1895, when Daniel David Palmer from Iowa performed a chiropractic adjustment on janitor, Harvey Lillard. Since then, chiropractic has been helping people across the globe with its alternative approach to health and wellbeing. So, just what makes chiropractic care different?

Chiropractic Care Southampton

Chiropractic Doesn’t Treat Your Symptoms Alone

The main thing that makes chiropractic care different is that it focuses on using 100% natural treatments and completely natural techniques. This means no drugs are used and everything is non-surgical. Chiropractic care has utilised drugless therapeutics and natural therapies since as early as 1895 and has helped millions of people across the world. The focus remains on the integrity of the nervous system and the person at the centre of the problem.

Chiropractic treatment also doesn’t treat your symptoms alone. For example, in traditional medicine if you have a sore shoulder, you may be prescribed pain killers for that sore shoulder and told to rest it. Using a chiropractic approach we would determine what underlying issue is causing your sore shoulder, as although the pain is manifesting itself in your shoulder, that doesn’t mean your shoulder is the cause of the pain. The pain could be caused by signals in the nervous system not reaching their desired target (body part) and manifesting as pain in the shoulder instead. As chiropractors, we work to determine exactly what is causing the pain and, as the cause is reduced, your body no longer needs to sound alarm bells in the form of pain in your shoulder.

Chiropractic Treatment

There are many different ways in which chiropractors can help treat joint, muscle and bone issues and pain. The medical professionals at City Chiropractic Clinic employ a wide range of proven techniques that are bespoke to each individual case. The techniques we employ include manipulation, whereby specialist adjustments will be made to free up stiff joints and remove irritation from the nervous system. We also use trigger point therapy which reduces pain resulting from hypersensitive muscles. Trigger points are like knots the size of peas, buried deep in muscle tissue and made up of lactic acid which has become trapped as a result of physical, chemical or emotional distress. We also use drop table treatment, which uses specialised mechanisms in the chiropractic table to help with adjustment. Individual drop pieces support each area of the spine until the thrust is given and then gently give way to reduce the pressure needed to move a specific spinal segment. Orthotics therapy is the treatment of flattened arches of the feet using specialised orthotics insoles to reduce pain. Other additional therapies we use at City Chiropractic Clinic include ultrasound, interferential therapy, dry needling, postural advice and exercise rehabilitation therapy. To make an appointment to discuss any health-related issue and find out whether a chiropractor could help, why not call us today?

Chiropractor in Southampton

"The treatment was outstanding. They kept me fully informed at all times and returned me to my old self with smiles and laughter. Thoroughly recommend City Chiropractic."

L. Dewsbury