Advanced chiropractic techniques to help relieve pain

If you’re experiencing joint pain, migraines or headaches, our expert team of chiropractors at City Chiropractic Clinic are here to help using chiropractic techniques. Our highly trained medical professionals have a wide range of proven techniques that can be tailored to each individual client based on their symptoms and specific areas of pain or discomfort. Call now to make an appointment or request further information.

Chiropractic techniques

Our services

  • Manipulation
  • Trigger point treatment
  • Drop table treatment
  • Additional therapies
  • Orthotics therapy

Natural, Holistic Treatments

If it’s your first visit to City Chiropractic Clinic, a trained chiropractor will carry out a free initial consultation with you. This will enable you to discuss your physical symptoms and medical history with an expert, who will then be able to create a bespoke treatment plan that meets your particular needs. If it’s applicable in your case, then chiropractic care is covered by many health insurance providers and we are a recognised practitioner.

We use a wide range of chiropractic techniques for different conditions and symptoms. Manipulation involves specialist adjustments of the spine and joints which free up stiff joints and remove irritation from the nervous system. Trigger point therapy reduces pain that results from hypersensitive muscles by helping to improve circulation and blood flow to the affected areas. Drop table therapy makes use of specialised drop piece mechanisms in the chiropractic table which assist with adjustments on targeted areas of the body. Orthotics therapy reduces pain caused by flattened arches of the feet by using special insoles in shoes. We also employ a range of other additional therapies, including ultrasound, inferential therapy, dry needling, postural advice and exercise rehabilitation therapy.

Chiropractic Experts with Decades of Experience

The team at City Chiropractic Clinic are registered with the General Chiropractic Council and are members of the British Chiropractic Association and College of Chiropractors. If you think you may benefit from chiropractic treatment, please contact us for more information, or to book a free initial consultation. Call our team on 02380 234 477 now and get started on the road to recovery.

Chiropractor in Southampton

"The treatment was outstanding. They kept me fully informed at all times and returned me to my old self with smiles and laughter. Thoroughly recommend City Chiropractic."

L. Dewsbury


In addition to spinal adjustments, we also offer a wide range of services such as preventative health care, massage and rehabilitative exercise that can help you recover optimum health and peak performance without drugs or surgery. We will show you how best to care for your back, neck and other extremities to prevent further pain. Call 02380 234 477 now or email